Celebrate the illustrious career and retirement of the Honorable Kim Berkeley Clark with an ad in the souvenir program book.


Ad Pricing:

Full page ad: $200

Half page ad: $100

Quarter page ad: $50


Ad submission deadline: November 10, 2023

Purchase your ad HERE

Submit artwork to jclarkprogrambook@acba.org




Full page ad: 5 inches wide x 8 inches high

Half page ad: 5 inches wide x 4 inches high

Quarter page ad: 5 inches wide x 2 inches high


Please provide artwork as a PDF file with a minimum DPI resolution of 300.

Logos: Please submit logo as an AI or EPS file with a minimum DPI resolution of 300. A high-res JPG, PNG or PDF will work as well if the AI and/or EPS files are not available.

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